
“See the bomb robot is interesting because, until it blew someone up, and the robot itself was seen as a weapon, bomb robots were pretty non-controversial, ya know? Everyone was in agreement that sending a robot in to diffuse a bomb was going to save a human (potentially). It was a no brainer. But now that we realize those bomb robots can detonate bombs themselves and blow people up… that they are literally ROBOTS with BOMBS themselves – that can kill you – that changes things a bit, right? Suddenly it’s like “whoa,” should every Police Department have one of these things, and what kind of safety training is involved? Everything needs to be reconsidered.”

Lisa Rein interviewing Tracy Rosenberg at MONDO 2000. How a little “working group” stopped Oakland from becoming a mini-fusion center for the Department of Homeland Security.

How The Occupy Oakland Privacy Working Group became Oakland Privacy