
Kinect Touch 3D

Demo of experiments by programmer Matt Guertin combines the Oculus Rift with a Kinect sensor to interact with various creative virtual interfaces – video embedded below:

This video is the culmination of a year and a half of ‘work’ (playing and having fun would be a better way of describing it…haha). The reason I ordered the Oculus Rift in the first place is to do exactly what you see here. All of the programming is done in TouchDesigner. The live interaction method I developed along with the 3D drawing is done using GLSL Shaders that I wrote which is what allows it to be so fast and responsive as far as not having a noticeable delay. Another thing worth mentioning is that the creation of this video involved a huge file with many components, and a ton of rendering which is the cause for some of the glitches (3D drawing ie.) and the slower frame rate. I will release a couple other videos soon which will focus on each of the individual components so that people can get an actual feel for how fast and responsive this setup actually is. The 3D drawing for instance when stripped down to nothing but it’s necessary parts will run flawlessly at close to 50 fps and is much smoother than what you see in this video.

The experiments were coded using TouchDesigner, and they have covered Matt’s work in much more detail, which you can read more about it here