Making Games Having Fun


I’ve been doing a lot of work on Threes lately, but all of it has been intangible. A lot of email. A lot of planning ahead and making sure that all of our goals align down the road. A LOT of email. These plans are going to be great when they hit, but Greg and I have been going kind of nuts because it doesn’t feel like we’re doing anything at all.

And then today we saw this:


I retweeted it instantly, which prompted this message from Greg:


We’ve been wracking our brains about how to handle Threes merchandise. How should we manufacture things, how should we distribute things… at one point we were talking about how to “manage our image,” which makes me gag just thinking about it.

So this image inspired us. It inspired us to throw all of our planning and brainstorming and management to the way side and actually have fun with our lives and this business we’re running. 

Two hours later we launched two separate Teespring campaigns and within a week the first non-digital Threes products will exist.

Planning be damned.
