


did you know: there are people who can lie down, at a reasonable hour, and just sleep? fall asleep, easily? regularly? on a regular basis? roughly every night? wild

Let me tell you guys

I had the worst fucking issues with this bullshit

Like I would be on my computer and then put my computer away and then be on my iPhone for fucking hours and then suddenly it’s 2AM and I have to be up for work at 7

So my New Years resolution this year was to keep a Bullet Journal (thank you @kellysue) and I’ve been looking around at other people who have been keeping their journal for longer and I noticed a lot of people added Habit Trackers in their journal. So I added one and decided that one of my habits would be in bed, screens off at 11PM. Now, this isn’t “must be falling asleep by then”, it’s just that all of my screens (computer, iPhone, iPad, TV, whatever) were all off and away. So instead I’ve been reading. And then I’ve been falling asleep before midnight.

Holy fucking shit does it make a huge fucking difference.

And it wasn’t easy, either. It’s really fucking hard to kick ANY habit. But having some kind of tracker where I would write down if I succeeded or not helped because I had something I could look at.

It’s not going to work for everyone, but it worked for me (probably also because I’m also actually taking my medication at the same time every day as well now too; yay Habit Tracker!)

So I guess the moral of this post is: keep a Bullet Journal and keep a Habit Tracker because holy shit is it helping me.
