
November 18th, 1985 – The comic strip Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson debuts in 35 national newspapers. After a successful first year that circulation grew to more than 250 publications, eventually becoming one of the worlds most well-known and respected comic strips.

Watterson was famous, not only for the depth and breath of his creation, but also in his refusal to merchandize the wildly successful comic. He also fought with publishers and his syndication company in an era when the space allocated to comics in the newspaper was shrinking further and further. These struggles eventually led to Watterson wrapping up the strip in 1995 leaving his work uncompromised, and although it saddened many fans, his decisions to keep the strip true to itself have cemented Calvin and Hobbes in a special place in many people’s hearts.

– “The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes