I’m sitting in the cafe of the Design Museum in London, writing explanatory text for my two accepted nominations for its Designs Of The Year exhibition. I had put forward three nominations. The third, unaccepted, design was a game. It’s the third year that I’ve been asked to nominate and the third year that the console game I’ve submitted as an exceptional work of design has been left off the long-list. Previous years have seen the Wii make the grade – albeit in the product design category – and I’m proud to have managed to get both Media Molecule’s digital toybox, LittleBigPlanet, and Area/Code’s educational Flash game, Sharkrunners (in which players track actual GPS-located sharks in the Pacific), into the honours in the past. But it’s meagre representation for one of the biggest cultural forms of the 21st century. (via Are Games Design? | Edge Magazine)