Project 2020 by Trendmicro and ICSPA
Pretty. This is something I’ve never seen. Or at least rarely. First a scenario process with a report, then a scifi series based on the results. More like this please. Well done. To all filmmakers out there: If you need help with the scenarios, contact us! We’d love to help.
Project 2020 is a cyber security web series designed to get industry, business, government and other security dependent stakeholders thinking about the cyber threats which may face them at the end of the decade so we can all better prepare for the future.
“2020” is the story about the near future based on an ICSPA (International Cyber Security Protection Alliance) report entitled Project 2020. This video project takes the form of a fictional web series presenting the evolution of society and technology in the world described by the report. We will show how the advancement of mobile and cloud based technology has influenced the way we interact with other and with the world, how we work and how we perceive reality.