Code Drawing 24b. Selected states 1, 20, and 48. This one has 9 sprites that tend to move in eccentric counter-clockwise spirals. They all share the same encoded parameters to express their movement. They are all programmed to react to a collision with one another by rotating by 15 degrees. An unexpected outcome is that sometimes they orbit one another. These are the tight spirals in the images above that add a highly localized area of interest in a composition lacking much visual contrast. Hopscotch doesn’t make it easy to make more opportunities for these kinds of network effects to manifest. Each one of the relationships has to be hand coded, so sprite 1 has to have explicit reciprocal relations with 2-9, and 2 with1 and 3-9, and so on. This is a grind. Object-oriented text-based programming languages can handle this with more grace. Oh, and so can Stagecast Creator among the visual programming environments.
I may have let this drawing run for too many cycles, or perhaps too few. Composition 48 is too muddy, its details less intelligible. I’ll never know if it would become (more) richly interesting in another 40 cycles.