After having taught introductory programming (CS 1) for the past six years, and having watched many students struggle through this course and the subsequent course (CS 2), I have come to the conclusion that it is absurd to expect students who don’t have any prior programming experience to be well prepared to study Computer Science after a single 15-week course (i.e., CS 1). In particular, I believe that expecting a student to learn to program well enough to study Computer Science in a single 15-week course is almost as absurd as expecting a student with no instrumental musical experience to be ready to join the university orchestra after 15 weeks. There are, of course, musical prodigies that can handle this challenge. Likewise, there are many “natural born programmers” who learn how to program with very little apparent effort. However, these individuals are the exception, not the rule. Read my reasoning then please leave a comment and tell me what you think.