Month: February 2017

  • Technoccult: Captain America is a Progressive Super Hero

    Technoccult: Captain America is a Progressive Super Hero technoccult: Klint Finley Steven Attewell writes: Steve Rogers doesn’t represent a genericized America but rather a very specific time and place – 1930’s New York City. We know he was born July 4, 1920 (not kidding about the 4th of July) to a working-class family of Irish…

  • pigeony: bronzebasilisk: wretneck: mbt1991: zoophobiacrazies: sparou: I cried a bit. holy shit best CGI short I have ever seen ffff Dear Pixar, Somebody beat you to it.  <gif snipped> Holy crap an actual respectful non appropriation depiction of Dia de los Muertos, and a fucking adorable story to boot <3 I love this omfg (Source:

  • stripclubcoupons: lifemadesimple: Step by Step: A Great way of Painting your own Mural without Knowing how to Draw

  • Masterpieces of the past are good for the past: they are not good for us. We have the right to say what has been said and even what has not been said in a way that belongs to us, a way that is immediate and direct, corresponding to present modes of feeling, and understandable to…

  • Here’s a basic rule: if you’re reading or watching a Shakespeare play, and you’re not imagining the actors standing in front of a mosh pit of jeering Londoners waiting to throw vegetables at the stage, you’re doing it wrong. Shakespeare might have written the best works in the English language, or given us profound insight…

  • anatomicalart: Let me link Yall’ to this holy grail.I present to you Character Design Referenceon [Pintrest] || [Tumblr] || [Twitter] || [Facebook] || [YouTube] I couldn’t even include all of the reference boards this blog contains on this photoset. That’s right! There’s EVEN MORE! There are pages and pages of them! It is an inspiration treasure…

  • “So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality”

  • leseanthomas: Here’s some of the most amazing and invaluable advice you’ll most-likely ever get from one of my good colleagues and legends in comics/gaming, creator JOE MADUREIRA. It’s what i’ve been preaching to you aspiring artists since i arrived on DA, but i think his POV says it perfectly: *WARNING: SOME MATURE LANGUAGE* “DO YOU…

  • 1000reasonsnottostartmakingart: hyperallergic: I read the art news today. Two visual artists won the mega establishment award of entrenched bureaucracy. I sent the Foundation a chastising memo back in 2011, when a university professor ( a teacher!) won the literature award while he was doing all that excellent teaching at a 100 grand a year. One…

  • How a Blogger Made Expanding Social Security a Respectable Idea

    How a Blogger Made Expanding Social Security a Respectable Idea azspot: For years, bloggers and activists like Black in the online progressive movement have been fascinated with something called the Overton Window, a theory of how ideas enter the political mainstream and eventually become policy. The theory was coined by the libertarian thinker Joseph Overton,…