Month: March 2016

  • neurosciencestuff: Super Mario gets social intelligence Tübingen computer scientists help the popular jump ‘n’ run game figures learn to observe, collaborate – and even switch allegiance Tübingen University’s Cognitive Modeling group, led by Professor Martin Butz, has developed software to give social skills – based on human thinking and behavior – to favorite video game…

  • laughingsquid: A Printer That Creates Images With Small Drops of Coffee or Other Liquids

  • Towards a Pedagogy for Everyone (Not Just the “Oppressed”): The Engaged Classroom Today

    Towards a Pedagogy for Everyone (Not Just the “Oppressed”): The Engaged Classroom Today azspot: How do we update Paulo Freire’s 1970 classic Pedagogy of the Oppressed for today’s graduate and undergraduate students? That’s the question. The specifics (in step-by-step How To detail) of how to create an updated, Freire-inspired “problem-posing” engaged classroom are described below.…

  • Federal judge rules US government can’t force Apple to make a security-breaking tool

    mostlysignssomeportents: We’ve all heard that there’s a federal judge in California who ordered Apple to make a tool to help the FBI decrypt a phone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters – but despite the FBI’s insistence that this is a special circumstance, San Bernardino is just one of a dozen-odd cases where…

  • orangeschmorange: teachmetothink: People now are like, “Your right to free speech doesn’t mean you can express an offensive opinion” Like what the fuck does right to free speech mean, then?

  • We use prototypes a lot in design. They are there to help us learn quickly about what to do next. But I’ve noticed that we’ve started talking about them in a slightly one-dimensional way. Too often it feels like a prototype is just a stand-in for a spec. Don’t get me wrong. Prototypes are a…

  • When Culture Sets

    brycedotvc: Over 10yrs ago, I walked into the family office of Jeff Bezos- these are the people who invest Jeff’s personal money. Upon entering the office I was struck by a piece of furniture that seemed oddly out of place. In the front conference room sat a table. Well, not really a table as much…

  • Punk Publishing

    rhube: paulformulaic: Self-publishing has, it’s fair to say, a bit of a chip on its shoulder. It’s understandable, really, given the scorn with which the world of traditional publishing ladles onto it. If you’ve decided to go down the road of publishing your works yourself, through the various avenues open to you, chances are you…

  • Meanwhile, in Yahoo accounting HQ

    brucesterling: *Uh-oh. In 2013, Yahoo spent $990 million to acquire the microblogging site Tumblr ($1.1 billion if you include the $113 million in liabilities). Last month, Yahoo wrote off $230 million of its value. And now, it’s hinting that there’s a chance it could write off the entire goodwill value that it paid to…

  • But people have a lot to resent—why shouldn’t it be mobilized politically? And free tuition and single-payer are pretty good solutions for some of those problems. Starr just doesn’t like them. Best leave the tuition issue to some vague, incomprehensible scheme (that apparently involves lots of work–study and online learning) and health care to a…