Month: October 2015

  • where can I get Hopscotch?

    where can I get Hopscotch?

    Hopscotch is an app for iOS with authoring on iPad and with a viewer on iPod/iPhone, (free edition with in-app purchases), Hopscotch School Edition ($9.99 pay once and play) and

  • checking the stats

    checking the stats

    it’s been two months (approximately) since I published code drawing 104i and I wanted to check the stats. I’ve been receiving almost daily notifications on my iOS devices that someone has liked or remixed that one. I’ve also received periodic notices that I’ve got new followers. the drawings published yesterday (117 – 121) received almost…

  • code drawing 121

    code drawing 121

    code drawing 121, various states, created 2015-10-24. reduced the typographic pipes (2,500% enlargement instead of the 10k% and 5k% of the previous drawing). this let the drawn lines be seen more often. I changed the palette of the drawn horizontal lines to match the palette of the drawn vertical ones, ranging randomly from 0-15 on…

  • code drawing 120

    code drawing 120

    code drawing 120 (slow draw), various states, created on 2015-10-24. made the pipes huge (10,000%, I think). this really slowed the drawing/rendering to a crawl. it didn’t crash, surprisingly. it did get some nice color variants, and some soft edges which were unexpected. the pipes weren’t transparent enough for the drawn lines to show through.…

  • Aboriginal children express pain differently from non-Aboriginal children, and therefore may not receive the same levels of health care when they seek help…“Because they are very stoic about pain, health practitioners often don’t pick it up,” explains Dr. Latimer. “Aboriginal children will sit quietly in an emergency room for hours, and others will be seen…

  • code drawing 119b

    code drawing 119b

    code drawing 119b, various states, created on 2015-10-24. reduced the size of the typographic pipes, and increased their transparency. expanded the palette of the horizontal lines to include brown and light greys. published this one on Hopscotch.

  • MAKE: an open hardware, 3D printed cellphone photo-studio

    mostlysignssomeportents: Paolo Kiefe writes, “I love 3D printing and the maker movement. I thought that you might like this design from an open hardware project called #3DBenchy that aims to create more public awareness for applied 3D printing. This is a photo-studio that makes it easy to hold a smartphone to consistently take photos and…

  • code drawing 119

    code drawing 119

    code drawing 119, various states, created on 2015-10-25. increased size of typographic pipes and constrained their colors to yellow, orange, and red. kept transparency. the code ran a bit slower as it calculated the overlapping transparencies. the horizontal lines are too dark, I think.

  • code drawing 118b

    code drawing 118b

    code drawing 118b, various states, created on 2015-10-24. added transparency effect to the typographic pipes. the drawn lines aren’t allowed transparency (alpha) in Hopscotch, but the sprites and typographic characters are.

  • code drawing 118

    code drawing 118

    code drawing 118, various states, created on 2015-10-24.