Month: September 2015

  • There are thousands of good reasons to work with communities (be it audience development, employee happiness, customer retention, organization design, education, brand extension — you get the gist), but it should be in support of strategic goals, such as higher customer retention, better internal collaboration, external thought-leadership, lower employee turnover, etc. The community is not a goal…

  • SPITBOL is written at the assembly language level—low-level code that interfaces almost directly with hardware itself. Since most coding is now done at a higher level, Shields refers to SPITBOL as an important part of software history. “What’s special about it is that it’s the most elegant surviving example of coding at the machine level,”…

  • SPITBOL is written at the assembly language level—low-level code that interfaces almost directly with hardware itself. Since most coding is now done at a higher level, Shields refers to SPITBOL as an important part of software history. “What’s special about it is that it’s the most elegant surviving example of coding at the machine level,”…

  • Cloud Chasers

    Cloud Chasers A father and daughter on a desperate journey in hope for a future beyond deserts. Cloud Chasers is a randomly generated, steampunky journey about the lives and hardships of immigration. Every event in Cloud Chasers is based on the real world experiences immigrants faced on their ways across continents.

  • Cloud Chasers

    Cloud Chasers A father and daughter on a desperate journey in hope for a future beyond deserts. Cloud Chasers is a randomly generated, steampunky journey about the lives and hardships of immigration. Every event in Cloud Chasers is based on the real world experiences immigrants faced on their ways across continents.

  • Los refugiados llegan a la consola: nace un videojuego sobre migraci

    Los refugiados llegan a la consola: nace un videojuego sobre migraci ‘El jugador llegará a sentir la desesperación del padre por salvar a su hija’ Explora las distintas causas por las que la gente se ve obligada a migrar La recompensa es un mundo fantástico donde el agua abunda y se puede vivir seguro

  • Los refugiados llegan a la consola: nace un videojuego sobre migraci

    Los refugiados llegan a la consola: nace un videojuego sobre migraci ‘El jugador llegará a sentir la desesperación del padre por salvar a su hija’ Explora las distintas causas por las que la gente se ve obligada a migrar La recompensa es un mundo fantástico donde el agua abunda y se puede vivir seguro

  • The Interview: Jane McGonigal on how video games can heal –

    The Interview: Jane McGonigal on how video games can heal –

  • Civilization consists in giving something a name that doesn’t belong to it and dreaming over the result. And the false name joined to the true dream does create a new reality. The object does change into something else, because we make it change. We manufacture realities. The Book Of Disquiet I’m pretty sure Pessoa summarized…

  • Depending on how you look at it, the art-book industry is either in precarious straits or the midst of a golden age. Brick-and-mortar bookstores specializing in art books continue to close, giving way to online purveyors like Amazon, which don’t do so well with pricy art tomes. And traditional trade publishers have cut back on…