Month: April 2015

  • THE UNIDENTIFIED: dystopian YA about education tranformed into a giant, heavily sponsored game

    mostlysignssomeportents: Rae Mariz’s debut YA The Unidentified is a thrilling, engaging polemic about the corporatization of kids’ lives in the guise of a mystery story. In the future, the US education system has gone bankrupt, and has been rescued by the private sector, who convert giant malls into heavily surveilled school buildings in which all…

  • tmagazine: Joan Jonas | All at Once For over half a century, the artist’s arresting, inventive and immersive performances and videos have conjured strange mythological landscapes that upend a viewer’s sense of time. Now, as she reaches the height of her creative powers, the art world is finally catching up with her. See more here

  • The most poverty-stricken players never make it into the “hardcore” echelon at all. Over half of Americans own a smartphone, also known as the console for filthy casuals … along with the Nintendo Wii and Wii U, also branded as systems meant for “casual” players, and also the cheapest mainstream consoles available. PC game that…

  • Unfortunately, my friend is not alone in his thinking, and since the recession, a serious gaming hobby has become less and less of a financial possibility for most. The necessity for an internet connection is but one of many reasons why videogaming on a “hardcore” level is a hobby meant solely for the middle and…

  • Was it always like this? Since I can’t find a comprehensive study of class vis-a-vis videogame consumption between the 1980s and the present day, I asked my friends (and my Twitter followers) for their anecdotal evidence. I had assumed that consoles and handhelds were the more accessible answer for poorer players, given that buying a…

  • The architectural historian Iain Borden says the emergence of hostile architecture has its roots in 1990s urban design and public-space management. The emergence, he said, “suggested we are only republic citizens to the degree that we are either working or consuming goods directly. Ben Quinn in The Guardian. Anti-homeless spikes are part of a wider…

  • emergentfutures: 40 maps that explain the internet Paul Higgins: Really good collection Full Story: Vox

  • “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Nightingale and the Rose (via lapitiedangereuse)


  • paperdaf: Makes U Think…