Month: December 2014

  • creativetime: Check out these incredible photos from our friend Sam. samhorine: kara walker – may 2014

  • thinkmexican: Paloma Noyola: The Face of Mexico’s Unleashed Potential When a report emerged in September 2012 that a girl from one of Matamoros’ poorest neighborhoods had attained the highest math score in Mexico, some doubted its veracity. It must be fake, they said. But it wasn’t fake. Her name is Paloma Noyola, and what most…

  • A former LAPD officer turned sociologist (Cooper 1991) observed that the overwhelming majority of those beaten by police turn out not to be guilty of any crime. “Cops don’t beat up burglars”, he observed. The reason, he explained, is simple: the one thing most guaranteed to evoke a violent reaction from police is to challenge…

  • micdotcom: Potent minimalist art sends a strong message about police and vigilante brutality in America Journalist and artist Shirin Barghi has created a gripping, thought-provoking series of graphics that not only examines racial prejudice in today’s America, but also captures the sense of humanity that often gets lost in news coverage. Titled “Last Words,” the graphics illustrate…

  • thenearsightedmonkey: Cave art and harpoon tips show African roots of our creative genius Robin McKie The Observer, Saturday 11 October 2014 16.30 EDT The discovery of wall paintings in Indonesian caves suggests that the human ability to express ourselves began before we trekked out of Africa On the third-floor corridor of the Smithsonian Natural History Museum…

  • The real problem is that, in a meritocratic system, whites would be a minority — and Harvard just isn’t comfortable with that. Is Harvard Unfair to Asian-Americans? (via joshuanguyen)

  • When I pay you to babysit my dog I expect you to keep up his Instagram account. I didn’t give you his password for nothing. white woman, in Boulder, on the phone, presumably to her negligent dog sitter submitted by Johan (via stayoutofmynamastespace)

  • My Career is not about Stopping Gamergate

    spacekatgal: I would like to tell you a story about what my life is like these days. Friday morning I wake up. I glance at my Twitter feed, which is full of attacks against me, so I pass it off to one of my people to clean up. I spend the morning dealing with the…

  • litafficionado: Borges and Italo Calvino. Roma, 1983.