Month: November 2014

  • n 2010, Vincent Ocasla, a young architecture student in the Philippines, posted a video on YouTube announcing that he had “beaten” SimCity. His city, Magnasanti, was the product of three and a half years of planning and construction on the SimCity 2000 platform. News of his triumph quickly spread across the Internet. But many wondered:…

  • Critical pedagogy isn’t a prescriptive set of practices – it’s a continuous moral project that enables young people to develop a social awareness of freedom. This pedagogy connects classroom learning with the experiences, histories and resources that every student brings to their school. It allows students to understand that with knowledge comes power; the power…

  • Critical pedagogy isn’t a prescriptive set of practices – it’s a continuous moral project that enables young people to develop a social awareness of freedom. This pedagogy connects classroom learning with the experiences, histories and resources that every student brings to their school. It allows students to understand that with knowledge comes power; the power…

  • The school system we have is too constrained by its roots in the Industrial Revolution, he argued. Machines were less capable than they are today, so we filled the gap by educating people to make them more machine-like. “We had a lot of people in factories and accounting departments doing really boring things,” Ito explained.…

  • The school system we have is too constrained by its roots in the Industrial Revolution, he argued. Machines were less capable than they are today, so we filled the gap by educating people to make them more machine-like. “We had a lot of people in factories and accounting departments doing really boring things,” Ito explained.…