Month: September 2014

  • Robots Can Now Tend Your Garden For You BEN SCHILLER, Harvest Automation’s new robots are the latest addition to the farm. One of Harvest Automation’s new nursery bots can work 10 hours a day for $40—a lot less than even an illegal worker might get for the same job. And, as an employer, you…

  • The first bit—let’s call it Bit A — was born on the sensor of a Cannon 5D Mark II camera. A ray of light glancing off a black plastic handle of baby stroller in New York City enters the glass lens of the camera and is focused onto a small sheet the size of a large postage…

  • At the end of August 2000, a potentially historic meeting was held at the Carnegie Institute in Washington. The meeting was called by the National Coalition for Universities in the Public Interest, an advocacy organization founded in 1983 by the author, Leonard Minsky, Ralph Nader, and others to fight against the corporatization of higher education.…

  • Comprehensively addressing the stupid, intellectually dishonest critique of Anita Sarkeesian

    mostlysignssomeportents: Whenever the feminist games-critic and survivor of countless outraged misogynist stalkers Anita Sarkeesian’s name is invoked, there follows a flood of men who want to explain that she brought it on herself, that she isn’t a gamer, that she isn’t a good critic, and assorted related rubbish. Indeed, if you mention that Sarkeesian’s critics…

  • dinosaurparty: (via New Statesman | Tropes vs Anita Sarkeesian: on passing off anti-feminist nonsense as critique) Very well articulated.

  • Roughly speaking, a resolution of 250,000 times that of HDTV is necessary, operating at several hundred petaFLOPS per second, to create moving holograms with HD resolution. Paul Prudence, Super Vision, HOLO 1 (via notgames)

  • Fake, phone-attacking cell-towers are all across America

    mostlysignssomeportents: The towers attack the baseband radio in your phone and use it to hack the OS; they’re only visible if you’re using one of the customized, paranoid-Android, post-Snowden secure phones, and they’re all around US military bases. Read more…

  • Seventeen mysterious cellphone towers have been found in America which look like ordinary towers, and can only be identified by a heavily customized handset built for Android security – but have a much more malicious purpose, according to Popular Science. The fake ‘towers’ – computers which wirelessly attack cellphones via the “baseband” chips built to…

  • design-is-fine: Dieter Rams & Jürgen Greubel, Lectron System, 1967-69. Elements, Experiment card, book laboratory, Minisystem and hobby set radio receiver. Germany. Via

  • In the 1890s, when Freud was in the dawn of his career, he was struck by how many of his female patients were revealing childhood [sexual] victimization to him. Freud concluded that child sexual abuse was one of the major causes of emotional disturbances in adult women and wrote a brilliant and humane paper called…