Month: August 2014

  • guardian: Ferguson, 11 days on: “We are sitting on a powder keg”  “Just about the only thing clear through the fog of noxious gas clouding Ferguson’s streets is the burning, implacable rage of Brown’s peers against the police and their political masters” • Read our special report  Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

  • How Facebook and Twitter control what you see about Ferguson

    How Facebook and Twitter control what you see about Ferguson invisiblelad: Social media is controlled by algorithms – a mathematical formula that dictates what you see and when. In the past week, people have noticed something curious about the way these algorithms have filtered news about protests in Ferguson, Mo., over the fatal shooting of…

  • andreblyth: forestambassador: The Wait is a game about the desert by Pierre Chevalier. Play Online Why Try It: Beautiful visual design; a short narrative told through images and minimal interaction. Mood: Atmospheric Author’s Notes: “The Wait is a narrative set in the desert. I suggest you play first (actually, you should play several times), then come back here…

  • elonjames: Again. I’m not doing the writing that I should be but folks are out here collecting my words for me. It’s appreciated. 

  • Early ideas tend to have disproportionate influence over the rest of the conversation. They establish the kinds of norms, or cement the idea of what are appropriate examples or potential solutions for the problem. Loran Nordgren. Kellogg School. “Brainstorming Doesn’t Work; Try This Technique Instead” When doing any group discussion, it’s vital to give everyone…

  • emergentfutures: Wearable tech can be implanted in brains, thanks to new power technique A research breakthrough has identified a way to charge tiny health-tracking devices that could be embedded in our brains, hearts or livers Full Story: The Guardian

  • You can charge a phone battery by playing music at it | The Verge

    You can charge a phone battery by playing music at it | The Verge warrenellis: “Now, at the Queen Mary University of London, a group of scientists has created a prototype panel capable of charging a cellphone off environmental vibrations like music or dinner conversation.”

  • bashford: The 20th Gartner Hype Cycle graph

  • rhizomedotorg: Games like Fuck Everything carry burdens greater than production; they contest a gaming culture where the primacy of the default male gaze is to be protected violently. Fuck Everything is also a new artwork, on the internet. And it’s great. Play it. Play this game. Our thoughts about it.

  • unconsumption: DIY HAND-CRANK iPHONE CHARGER FROM SCRAP COMPUTER PARTS Last month, we told you about a fun contest from Sparkfun, all about reusing electronic components: Build us something, anything! It can be a working piece of circuitry, or a wonderful piece of art, or both! It should be made out of at least 75% reused…