Month: May 2014

  • `:____:::::::::::____:’ <————————-[14] “`::::_____::::”’ ~~~~~ ============================================================================ ———————————————- | | | | [1]———————————————> o . o o . . o_0_o . <———————————-[2] . o 0 o . . o o . | |/ ~ . o o. .o o . [3]———————————-> . o_0_o”o_0_o . . o 0 o~o 0 o . . o o.”.o o . | / | |/_…

  • A few hundred feet from the Pyramid, I bent down, scooped up a handful of sand and then, a little farther away, let it silently spill. Under my breath I said: I am modifying the Sahara. The deed was minimal, but the words, which were scarcely ingenious, were exact, and I considered that I had…

  • floresuprm: Upcoming Workshop – New Digital Genres: Writing for Social Media #elit #digped #PRTESOL On Saturday, May 24, 2014 I’ll be offering a workshop at the Southern PR TESOL conference…

  • Denver became the third Colorado county to announce this week that it will no longer hold prisoners for federal immigration authorities solely on the basis of immigration status. Sheriff Gary Wilson made the announcement Wednesday, following the lead of sheriffs in Boulder and San Miguel Counties that have also decided it will stop honoring detainer…

  • within-the-context: Nam June Paik, Zen for Film, 1962-1964In an endless loop, unexposed film runs through the projector. The resulting projected image shows a surface illuminated by a bright light, occasionally altered by the appearance of scratches and dust particles in the surface of the damaged film material. As an analogy to John Cage, who included silence…

  • Some thoughts on my last post

    Some thoughts on my last post notational: prostheticknowledge: My last post on the SCiO molecular sensor has got a lot of attention and reblogs, but with it some doubts about how authentic it really is in what it claims to be able to do. I’m not a scientist nor do I have scientific training (mine…

  • nevver: Tata & Friends

  • taikonaut: ralphewig: Rocket Science – NASA is going open source, releasing a treasure trough of software for the aspiring rocket scientist. Everything from the Apollo lunar lander guidance system software to star tracker algorithms is up for grabs, license/royalty free. The release is part of a Presidential directive for all agencies to release their work…

  • taikonaut: ralphewig: Rocket Science – NASA is going open source, releasing a treasure trough of software for the aspiring rocket scientist. Everything from the Apollo lunar lander guidance system software to star tracker algorithms is up for grabs, license/royalty free. The release is part of a Presidential directive for all agencies to release their work…

  • thingsmagazine: Pelicans are back, via things magazine’s The Pelican Project