Month: December 2013

  • jtotheizzoe: Oh, as a postscript to the previous post, here is a compilation of actual projected demographic differences in the United States circa 2050, according to Pew, the Census Bureau, and several smart people who are good at statistics and graphs.

  • andreblyth: Hopscotch Project003 you are getting erratic results from Hopscotch too!

  • fashiontipsfromcomicstrips: bettyfelon: comicsalliance: Mattel Releases Wearable Utility Belt And Batarang, Crimefighters No Longer Need Fear Embarrassing Pants Mishaps By Chris Sims One of the more unfortunate side effects of living in modern society is that we’re expected to wear pants whenever we’re in public. Seriously, they want you to do that every time you leave the house, even…

  • retronator: No Bullshit Pixel Art Tutorial Teaser I can’t decide between: Option A: Jazzy jazz jazz Option B: Dubby dub dub Which did you like more? (Source:

  • Flickr has been a magnificent shining example of the web done right, but it is in an inevitable downward spiral. There are some good people still left there, but they are in the minority and I fear that they cannot fight off the douchtastic consultants of growth-hacking that have been called in to save the…

  • brofisting: pi-ratical: I am really, extremely, amazingly excited to announce the release of my new Hello Pronoun stickers! I posted about these on twitter last night, but I can finally talk about them at length a bit more here.  The stickers read “Hello, address me as:_________, Please use: ________”, allowing you to declare your name…

  • artlistpro: Is This Art? (2010), Maciej Ratajski via digbicks:

  • Ars Asks: What video games will still be widely played in 100 years? [feedly]

    Ars Asks: What video games will still be widely played in 100 years? Paramount / Memory Alpha In today’s inter-holiday news doldrums, the Ars IRC channel has descended into a deep debate over the kind of question that seems perfectly suited for a late-night dorm room bull session. It’s a question that seems simple on…

  • Call for the post of Artistic Director, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial [feedly]

    Call for the post of Artistic Director, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial [feedly] Call for the post of Artistic Director, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial (Shared by Bruce Sterling who has annotated in triple parens and asterisks) *May heaven help the good people of Spain in 2014. *I don’t want this…