Month: November 2013

  • couchdad: “the modulor” devised by le corbusier explained as a “range of harmonious measurements to suit the human scale, universally applicable to architecture and to mechanical things” 

  • The birth of the iPhone

    The birth of the iPhone jkottke: On Medium, an excerpt of Leander Kahney’s book on Jony Ive about how the iPhone came to be developed at Apple. Excited by Kerr’s explanation of what a sophisticated touch interface could do, the team members started to brainstorm the kinds of hardware they might build with it. The…

  • According to reports, the tech-obsessed poindexter not only uses the gadget for work purposes, but also actually brings it home for his own personal use every night, where he uses it for hours on end to access personalized data and write pathetic little electro-messages in a word processor. Total Nerd Actually Owns His Own Computer…

  • The biggest tip I can give you to up your introducing skills is to always assume that whoever you’re talking to knows nothing about you or your work. No matter how big of a deal you are, if you abide by this rule, you win at life. A friend of mine met Paul Rudd once…

  • onaissues: “A portfolio should be designed to spark a conversation” | Columbia Visuals Curt Chandler, who teaches communications and multimedia at Penn State, offers advices to young photographers building and shopping around their portfolio. Chandler has also worked with the student newsroom at ONA conferences for years, pushing students to produce excellent visual documentation of…

  • chicagoif: Genius Self-Promoter Creates Own Action Figure to Replace Traditional Business Card File this under that ever-expanding ‘Why Didn’t I Think Of That?’ pile: Swedish travel and lifestyle photographer Jens Lennartsson was feeling like he wanted to get a little more attention from potential agency clients, so rather than going the traditional route and creating ‘the mother…

  • ucresearch: Tracing back the visual language of comics UCSD Psychologist and comics enthusiast Neil Cohn believes cartoons have a sophisticated language all their own and a heritage that goes back to cave art. The drive to tell stories with pictures certainly has deep roots. Stone age paintings in places such as the Chauvet cave in France…

  • Bruce Sterling’s article on ‘Design Fictions’ in ‘Wired’…

    Bruce Sterling’s article on ‘Design Fictions’ in ‘Wired’… notational: designfictions: Bruce Sterling claims that Julian Bleecker ‘invented the interesting term “design fictions”’? A formal definition exists: “Design fiction is the deliberate use of diegetic prototypes to suspend disbelief about change.” I stumbled across the Wired article from another Design Fiction article on This article also has some…

  • Code Drawing 04i. Made with Hopscotch. Abandoned after first state. , on tumblr,