Month: August 2013

  • Visual Programming For Absolute Beginners

    Visual Programming For Absolute Beginners fyprocessing: clintonmckay: I finished the presentation for my first workshop! I’ll be teaching Processing to people who don’t know any programming. Feel free to have a look around and let me know if you have questions, corrections, or comments! This is a very nice online slideshow intro to Processing. Kudos…

  • jtotheizzoe: Life as an Algorithm I just found an entire Tumblr dedicated to GIFs created from Conway’s Game of Life algorithm. If you know about Conway’s GoL, then you understand why this is so cool. If you don’t know about it, well … It starts with a simple question: How do you model a collective?…

  • personalfactory: Hex: A copter that anyone can fly! “HEX Air Robot is a portable robotic multi-rotors copter designed for rescue research, 3D re-modeling, geographical surveying and mapping and short distances transportation. It had many features such as autonomous pilot and pre programmed air maneuvers, obstacle avoidance, trajectory movement, etc. Since last year, more features have…

  • fyprocessing: clintonmckay: I made a gif out of out my Ellsworth Kelly Shape generating program.  Programmers get all the ladies, right? Surprised I haven’t posted this before. I love Ellsworth Kelly’s work and I love GIFs. Perfect match.

  • Crockford’s implementation of JSON, a widely popular data interchange format, has ended up in a licensing conflict with PHP on Linux distributions over a clause in its license which states: “The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.” This does not agree with the Free Software Foundation’s (FSF) freedom 0: “The freedom to run…

  • killscreen: Kill Screen founder Jamin Warren hosting new PBS Digital show Game/Show.

  • killscreen: Kill Screen founder Jamin Warren hosting new PBS Digital show Game/Show.

  • On the .22 survival rifle: It was a strange feeling, holding the rifle. It somehow removed him from everything around him. Without the rifle he had to fit in, to be part of it all, to understand it and use it — the woods, all of it. With the rifle, suddenly, he didn’t have to…

  • kickstarter: Excited to announce that Kickstarter will be opening up to projects based in Australia & New Zealand very soon!

  • Mrs Tsk *: I’m indebted to David Woodard for telling me that Harry Mathews—a…

    Mrs Tsk *: I’m indebted to David Woodard for telling me that Harry Mathews—a… mrstsk: I’m indebted to David Woodard for telling me that Harry Mathews—a close friend of Georges Perec and the only American member of OULIPO (the “workshop for potential literature”)—wrote a long prose piece (illustrated in the Dalkey Archive Press edition by…