Month: August 2013

  • Neo Calvinist critique of Calvinism

  • drewpixel: Every Day Is Play.A book project to celebrate the game—uniting artists and gamers across the globe through video game culture and creativity. Make this project a reality!  Back the Kickstarter!

  • pixelnoizz: my “" from the Center of Pompidou DigitalArt Studio 13/16

  • How can something be random on purpose? Well, Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, stores its goods in a chaotic disorder. But only at first glance, because there’s order behind the apparent disarray. It’s called chaotic storage. […] Intuitively, most people would store similar goods together, virtually sorting them according to predefined characteristics. This would…

  • cvilbrandt: rinatan: Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Sailor Moon’s influence on kids, primarily little girls, and how it reminded us all that no matter what anyone says, we can still be just as strong as anyone else. We can fight for justice using glitter, ribbons, and the power of friendship, we can wear…

  • The Washington Post, one of our country’s greatest newspapers, just sold for ¼ the price of Tumblr. @CaseyNewton (via brooklynmutt)

  • In acceleration chess (aka progressive chess), each player gets to make one more move than the previous player. White moves first, but then Black gets to move twice. Then White gets to move three times in a row, then Black four times in a row, then White five times in a row, and so on,…

  • eb-n-flow: dynamicafrica: Martha Chumo, a 19-year-old self-taught programmer, was supposed to be in New York right now, honing her coding skills and mastering cutting-edge technologies in the company of fellow software enthusiasts. Instead, she’s thousands of miles away, in her hometown of Nairobi, Kenya. A few months ago, Chumo was accepted into the summer intake…

  • futurescope: Scientists Invent A Stretchy Gold Conductor Polyurethane studded with gold nanoparticles can conduct electricity even when stretched, Michigan engineers have discovered. This feat could pave the way for flexible electronics and gentler medical devices. The nanoparticles start out randomly arranged, but they drift into wire-like formations as the material is stretched. [via popsci] (Source:…

  • I entered this scene through rejection and honesty Nerds weren’t mean, they were weird and that worked for me After 10 years of teasing when social skills failed me Dungeons & Dragons cured all that ailed me We read books, we played games, we made art, we watched Lost We said things like “D20”, “shipping”…