It was no accident that the key reading material for Colombia’s intelligentsia during the late 50s and early 60s was a literary journal called Mito, or myth – what the nation needed was no less than a new origin story, a narrative refounding. In the visual arts, guided by Argentine-born critic and Bogotá-based über-curator Marta…
In 2006, Lipson’s Creative Machines Lab pioneered the Fab@home, a low-cost build-your-own 3D printer, available to anyone with internet access. For around $2,500 and some tech know-how, you could make a desktop machine and begin printing three-dimensional objects: an iPod case made of silicon, flowers from icing, a dolls’ house out of spray-cheese. Within a…
Aristotle first identified the problem. Suppose your life is made up of things you do for the sake of something else — you do A in order to get B, and you do B only to get C, and so on. Therefore A has no value in itself; its value lies in the B. But…
Michael Chabon once wrote that a baseball game was not so much a sporting event as ‘a great slow contraption for getting you to pay attention to the cadence of a summer day’. Time to bake a loaf of bread – Sam Leith – Aeon (via rafaelfajardo)
Aristotle first identified the problem. Suppose your life is made up of things you do for the sake of something else — you do A in order to get B, and you do B only to get C, and so on. Therefore A has no value in itself; its value lies in the B. But…
Michael Chabon once wrote that a baseball game was not so much a sporting event as ‘a great slow contraption for getting you to pay attention to the cadence of a summer day’. Time to bake a loaf of bread – Sam Leith – Aeon
James Bridle on The New Aesthetic and its Politics
stoweboyd: Jame Bridle tries to walk the edge, refusing to use the forms of social criticism per se, but writing an occasional piece that attempts to ‘explain’ the New Aesthetic instead of simply aggregating examples. James Bridle, The New Aesthetic and its Politics The New Aesthetic is concerned with everything that is not visible in these…
co-op-collective: Design in the Tumblr age.Made with Trendlist’s Trend Generator
towerofsleep: jahsonic: the linguistic sign is not arbitrary! I’ve been researching the Bouba/kiki effect more in depth. One of my most surprising finds is that the linguistic sign is not (always) arbitrary, contrary to what de Saussure said about 100 years ago[1] and which is still held as a fact. The image shown comes from the English translation of Cours……
co-op-collective: A book containing student essays from a course we gave about critical design.