Month: June 2013

  • I’ve been thinking it’s a dream catcher, but maybe it’s actually a lint trap or a dust filter.

  • kamihacker: Retrato de Bolívar, en gratitud a el Libertador por la Fundación de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Perú – 10 de Mayo de 1824 – Portrait of Bolivar, in gratitude to El Liberator because of the Foundation of the National University of Trujillo. Perú – May 10th, 1824

  • art21: “We were interested in media ecology—what was the impact of media on us as human beings, and how information was delivered.” —Beryl Korot In an episode from the Art21 Exclusive archive, current 100 Artists featured artist Beryl Korot describes the impetus behind the 1970s publication that she co-founded, Radical Software, elucidating the history of video…

  • Once’s there’s a label for it, it’s all over. William Gibson, on cyberpunk (via maxistentialist)

  • slavin: reblogging this whole thing in part to say, wanderingwanderingstar, who are you? drop a line, if you drop lines. wanderingwanderingstar: DISAPPEAR US ALGORITHMS, AESTHETICS, AND THE ARMED FORCES Interview with GUY CRAMER about his experiments with digital pattern design Text CONROY NACHTIGALL  Amidst the complicated and abundant cultural and political significances that “camo” has acquired over the…

  • jenlindblad: Carl-Johan Rosén’s project “I speak myself into an object” is a book consisting only of the programming code the computer needs to print the book. Last week I saw CHR give a reading from the book, super interesting because the gibberish of the code is transformed into a kind of poetry. The project gives…

  • mobylosangelesarchitecture: now i’m going to put on my low-rent grad student hat for a second. or a minute. or for however long it takes me to write about semiotics and from a low-rent grad student perspective. (oh, to be clear: ‘low rent’ meaning the quality of my writing, not the value of this real estate. i’m guessing this…

  • I am often asked what UX means

    stoweboyd: amber: I am often asked what UX means. I then give a slightly different answer depending on who I’m talking to (and what their assumed level of base knowledge is). I came across this great excerpt in a blog post from Teresa Neil on Hiring Top UX Talent (seems it’s not just HK [Hong…

  • Lynn Coady on Sexual Counterrevolution in The US

    stoweboyd: Lynn Coady, Twilight of the Patriarchs In her book, Delirium: The Politics of Sex in America, Nancy L. Cohen examines how sexual hysteria has hijacked American conservative politics in recent decades. She begins her story with the arrival of the contraceptive pill in 1965, demonstrating how the new era of sexual freedom led directly to…

  • krf: One and Three Chairs, 1965, is a work by Joseph Kosuth. An example of conceptual art, the piece consists of a chair, a photograph of this chair, and an enlarged dictionary definition of the word “chair” Ceci n’est pas une chaise (?) Saw it in Dallas.