Month: January 2013

  • Lego Mindstorm robot that solves Rubik’s Cube. Animated GIF.

  • emergentfutures: “Our sense of time spans two generations back in the past and two generations forward into the future. That’s it. Most people cannot name a single great-grandparent. Few parents can conceive of the possibility of their child someday becoming a grandparent. It’s our historical and future-looking myopia that makes it pretty much impossible to…

  • In the old days, you became an adult when suddenly your life went from learning to doing the same thing for the rest of your life, but today you can’t afford to do that. Joi Ito, Director MIT Media Lab (via parkerehret)

  • visual-poetry: “quoted (»is that a quotation, i asked…« jorge luis borges)” by joseph kosuth (+) (photographer: susanne ullerich)

  • Q. Does the new technology mean the end of art as we know it? A. Yes, it does. It represents a new dimension to the way art will be understood or perceived. It’s a departure from appreciating a singular moment. What that means is … the reason why we can appreciate art is because most…

  • GENERAL To participate in the Prix Ars Electronica, you must register online and submit all mandatory information online. A work may be entered in only one category. An artist may submit more than one work. In addition to the general entry details and rules, special entry rules apply to each individual category (see category descriptions).…

  • Do you teach computer programming? We’re building a comprehensive list of all computer programming schools, classes, summer camps, and after school clubs. Click below to include your class. (via | Dedicated to growing computer programming education)

  • What Entered the Public Domain in 2013? Nothing! | Open Culture

    What Entered the Public Domain in 2013? Nothing! | Open Culture “What is entering the public domain in the United States? Nothing. Once again, we will have nothing to celebrate this January 1st. Not a single published work is entering the public domain this year. Or next year. In fact, in the United States, no…

  • jtotheizzoe: Via alookinsideamind: Lego double helix. You can build almost anything you can imagine.

  • jomc: In 1964, still living the dream of their recently gained independence, Zambia started a space program that would put the first African on the moon catching up the USA and the Soviet Union in the space race. Only a few optimists supported the project by Edward Makuka, the school teacher in charge of presenting…