Month: February 2012

  • Modern & Im/material things: Rejecting Materiality for the “Authentically Digital,” Or a Note about Windows 8 New Logo

    Modern & Im/material things: Rejecting Materiality for the “Authentically Digital,” Or a Note about Windows 8 New Logo modernandmaterialthings: Certain corners of the web seem to be all aflame, debating the aesthetic merits of the updated Windows 8 logo. Some, like Venture Beat, deem it ugly, denouncing it as as Microsoft’s “Gap Moment” and declaring…

  • There’s an education bubble, which is, like the others, psychosocial. There’s a wide public buy-in that leads to a product being overvalued because it’s linked to future expectations that are unrealistic. Education is similar to the tech bubble of the late 1990s, which assumed crazy growth in businesses that didn’t pan out. The education bubble…

  • There’s an education bubble, which is, like the others, psychosocial. There’s a wide public buy-in that leads to a product being overvalued because it’s linked to future expectations that are unrealistic. Education is similar to the tech bubble of the late 1990s, which assumed crazy growth in businesses that didn’t pan out. The education bubble…

  • Here’s a compositional secret. It’s so obvious and simple, you’ll say to yourself, “This man is bullshitting me.” I am not. This is one of the most fundamental things in all theatrical movie composition and yet magicians know nothing of it. Ready? …(click to read) Teller quoted by Brian Brushwood at Brian Brushwood: Bizarre Magic. 14 years…

  • Here’s a compositional secret. It’s so obvious and simple, you’ll say to yourself, “This man is bullshitting me.” I am not. This is one of the most fundamental things in all theatrical movie composition and yet magicians know nothing of it. Ready? …(click to read) Teller quoted by Brian Brushwood at Brian Brushwood: Bizarre Magic. 14 years…

  • Whether it’s us, Pinterest, or Flipboard, you’re seeing a change in the way content, commerce, and social are blending. Media is not just about commerce OR content OR social. The new reality is that it’s all of the above, and we’re creating that every day. Jason Goldberg, CEO | Fab Blasts Through The Commerce-Media Divide…

  • Life after Papyrus

    lareviewofbooks: SWATI PANDEY on Stephen Greenblatt’s Lucretius. Ancient iconography (XIV) of Medieval Scribe and Titivillus, literary demon and “patron demon of scribes” Stephen GreenblattThe Swerve: How the World Became Modern W.W. Norton & Company, September 2011. 356 pp. Books. They have an almost alarming corporeality. Stephen Greenblatt, esteemed Harvard professor and founder of New Historicism,…

  • Life after Papyrus

    lareviewofbooks: SWATI PANDEY on Stephen Greenblatt’s Lucretius. Ancient iconography (XIV) of Medieval Scribe and Titivillus, literary demon and “patron demon of scribes” Stephen GreenblattThe Swerve: How the World Became Modern W.W. Norton & Company, September 2011. 356 pp. Books. They have an almost alarming corporeality. Stephen Greenblatt, esteemed Harvard professor and founder of New Historicism,…

  • The e-book, by eliminating all variations in the appearance and weight of the material object we hold in our hand and by discouraging anything but our focus on where we are in the sequence of words (the page once read disappears, the page to come has yet to appear) would seem to bring us closer…

  • The e-book, by eliminating all variations in the appearance and weight of the material object we hold in our hand and by discouraging anything but our focus on where we are in the sequence of words (the page once read disappears, the page to come has yet to appear) would seem to bring us closer…