Month: October 2011

  • In 2006 Budnitz co-designed much of Kidrobot’s acclaimed limited edition apparel line. With clothing pieces priced between $175 and $3000, Kidrobot apparel can be found in Barneys New York and many other high-end retailers worldwide. In December 2007, 10 Dunny toys and 3 Munny toys created by Budnitz & Eaton, with paints by various artists,…

  • “People get really fed up with musicians preaching at them all the time.” Nonetheless, he admits, “You have opportunities that I think would be wrong to ignore.” Gabriel is a co-founder, with Richard Branson, of The Elders, a human rights organization designed to “link young people through technology” to statesmen such as Kofi Annan and…

  • At 61, has the great musical adventurer grown conservative? In an interview with Salon, Gabriel reveals a complex motive for might seem a backward turn. “I think [Stanley] Kubrick said, ‘If you want to make the future credible, include the past.’ A world that is both familiar and strange is the most interesting to me.”…

  • This compressed file contains 9 text files that make up the entire source code for the original Metroid game for the NES. These files are an expansion of SnoBro’s Source code he posted a few years ago. The code has been changed to be assemblable with Ophis instead of x816 because of memory issues. Labels…

  • ℞ – Cybernated art is very important, but art for cybernated life in more important, and the latter need not be cybernated. from Cybernated Art  by Nam June Paik, 1966

  • Imaginary Media

    The following link presents a kind of imaginary media about Facebook.

  • William Shatner is back, “Seeking Major Tom”

    William Shatner is back, turning legendary songs into odd, campy, contemplative compositions with the album “Seeking Major Tom.” If Shatner’s proudly quirky style is up your alley, you’ll find it hilarious listening as Shatner talks his was through songs such as Elton John’s “Rocket Man.” What’s particularly interesting about the album is how a simple…

  • This feels very relevant to our current project in Rafael’s design class… (via MAKE | Zero to Maker: Five New-Maker Pitfalls (and How to Manage Them))

  • shapeways: The 3D printing revolution, and why making is manufacturing (Wired UK) Thanks to technologies such as 3D printing, the process of boundaries between making an manufacturing have dissolved, meaning that hobbyists can now mass produce in a way that they never could before, according to Chris Anderson, Wired’s US editor-in-chief, at Wired 2011 this…

  • Rendering Synthetic Objects into Legacy Photographs (by Kevin Karsch) “Abstract: We propose a method to realistically insert synthetic objects into existing photographs without requiring access to the scene or any additional scene measurements. With a single image and a small amount of annotation, our method creates a physical model of the scene that is suitable…