Month: May 2011

  • paperbits: Tinkercad – Solid modeling for artists and makers That’s a solid modeling application that runs in your browser.

  • UNL tuition may vary by majors

    UNL tuition may vary by majors infoneer-pulse: infoneer-pulse: An engineering student likely will make significantly more money after college than an English major. So the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is proposing a new tuition structure to allow it to charge engineering students significantly more for a bachelor’s degree than it charges English majors. UNL Chancellor Harvey…

  • albotas: For The Ladies: Atari Joystick Jewelry Box. Sadly, these aren’t for sale, but Anna Howard Shaw has put together a handy tutorial on how to make one yourself over on [Make: via Technabob]

  • None of you even have a blog. All you have is a reblog.

  • Inner Workings: The Path

    Inner Workings: The Path forwardresent: It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything, I got a new laptop and I’ve spent days just catching up on gaming, it didn’t help Steam had a huge holiday sale on and I can actually run 99% of the things on there now. The Path is an indie/art…

  • After his mother divorced his father, she married a very different sort of man, surf pioneer Gard Chapin, a roughneck rebel who never fit into polite society. If Miki’s biological father connected him to Hollywood, stepfather Chapin’s obsession with the development of surfboards brought the young Miki into the high-tech world of California’s industrial design,…

  • Traditionally, three aspects make up a commons: collective action, meaning no one individual can make unilateral decisions; collective self-governance, in that all members of the commons can contribute to the mores of the group; and social capital, meaning members of the commons must find value in being a part of the commons (Booth, 2010, pg.…

  • Libraries are networks

    Libraries are networks where every book is a node. Every book, and scholarly monographs in particular, are themselves networks of relations of ideas and other texts. So libraries are networks of networks. The value of networks increases exponentially with the number of nodes. The physical presence of the books and the physical performance of searches…

  • globochem: chrisreblogs: thedailywhat: Misattributed Quote of the Day: “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.” You’ve undoubtedly seen this quote somewhere online today, most likely attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s both pensive and timely; certainly looks like…

  • globochem: chrisreblogs: thedailywhat: Misattributed Quote of the Day: “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.” You’ve undoubtedly seen this quote somewhere online today, most likely attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s both pensive and timely; certainly looks like…