Month: April 2011

  • Graham McAllister, director of user experience studio Vertical Slice, examines the conundrum of creating a twin stick shooter for the touch-only iOS, breaking down the dos and don’ts, and examining a number of popular games to see what approaches work best. (via Gamasutra – Features – A Guide To iOS Twin Stick Shooter Usability)

  • you may enjoy an iPhone app called “Situationist,” which gives a location-based techno-twist to ideas borrowed from Situationist International, a gang of French artists who (in the words of the latter-day app developers) “sought to transform everyday life and the world through experimental forms of behaviour.” Instead of rewarding you with meaningless badges for vaporous…

  • “Inventing the Future of Games,” a day-long symposium April 15 in Silicon Valley, aims to explore the possibilities of the next decade of gaming innovation and technology. Sponsored by the UC Santa Cruz Center for Games and Playable Media, the symposium will gather some of the brightest minds of academia and industry to discuss the…

  • paperbits: Maria Montessori has a posse, yes she does (by cho girl)

  • Erlend Grefsrud, from London-based start-up Strongman Games, wants to make game development social, collaborative and, most importantly, accessible. His team’s upcoming tool Oh!My!Game, a browser-based toolkit for building Flash games, lets you pump out a high-quality indie production without ever typing a line of code. “Even a fairly useless programmer like myself can build functional…

  • imgfave: ★ discovered on (social image bookmarking)

  • Just think what else could have been done with the time and resources that the company devoted to the pay wall: entirely new news products could have been developed, products that could engage a wholly different kind of audience and expand the company’s reach by several orders of magnitude. Flipboard was born in roughly that…

  • Can you tell me more about how your charter schools will integrate technology and new ways of teaching? Classrooms will operate around essential questions, such as, “How do we make water more safe to drink?” and, “How do we make the air less polluted?” Unfortunately, schools in America have been moving away from that. Kids…

  • ‘I don’t own a computer, have no idea how to work one,’ Woody Allen told an interviewer recently. Most of us have come to find computers indispensable, but he manages to have a productive life without one. Are those of us with computers really better off?… It’s not that the web is making us less…