Month: February 2011

  • At the National Academies summit exploring ways to use entertainment technologies to foster science education, Will Wright, the mind behind The Sims and Spore, gave a warp-speed talk laying out why game design has great potential in this arena. (via The Man Behind Spore Explores Gaming as Learning –

  • to be creative, you can’t focus on the fact that you are creative, you actually have to create. All of the time. With frequent failures. No shit. You have to commit to the process Jerk Ethic » To Be Continued (via ronenreblogs)

  • Between the techy exploits of and internet art as we know it today is Neen, a computer-derived term popularised by Greek artist Miltos Manetas. Blending the words ‘new’ and ‘screen’, Neen artists are a heterogeneous movement in their own right, and continue to work through concerns of medium specificity, locating them in the limitations…

  • Between the techy exploits of and internet art as we know it today is Neen, a computer-derived term popularised by Greek artist Miltos Manetas. Blending the words ‘new’ and ‘screen’, Neen artists are a heterogeneous movement in their own right, and continue to work through concerns of medium specificity, locating them in the limitations…

  • presidents: Jonathan Safran Foer’s new book is insane. Entitled “Tree of Codes,” it is a collection of die-cut pages from his favorite book, Bruno Schulz’s “The Street of Crocodiles.” Made as an exploration of “the pages’ physical relationship to one another” and the die-cut technique, Foer attempts to create a meaningful narrative with an existing…

  • hinzandkunz: Generative Art in Non-digital form How it would look like if you see maths everywhere? just like Vi Hart… I learn about generative art and how it is programmed… and she is doing it on a sketch paper explaining the for loop and adding rand() in it… yet the code is not as beautiful as…

  • ishmaelhallin: Interview with Rui Guerra about online strategies for cultural spaces – we make money not art

  • ishmaelhallin: Interview with Rui Guerra about online strategies for cultural spaces – we make money not art

  • thestate: Nick DeMarco I hope Richard Serra is proud of his son, Michael Cera On the internet, fact and fiction are never set in stone. An image is real not if it actually occurred, but if it appears to have. Authenticity is determined not by citations but by reblogs. The information and memory in one’s…

  • thestate: Nick DeMarco I hope Richard Serra is proud of his son, Michael Cera On the internet, fact and fiction are never set in stone. An image is real not if it actually occurred, but if it appears to have. Authenticity is determined not by citations but by reblogs. The information and memory in one’s…