Month: December 2010

  • 52 Weeks of UX: Next-generation UX

    52 Weeks of UX: Next-generation UX We are in the midst of a dramatic shift in human-computer interaction. The inputs, devices and mental models we’ve had to adapt to in order to get this far are slowly becoming obsolete. Even an “average” computer user has already been re-wired and adapted to the hundreds of mental…

  • illillill: Durex : Play Lubricants – Bunnies [image] |

  • illillill: Durex : Play Lubricants – Bunnies [image] |

  • Untitled Chess Game Charles Broskoski’s Untitled Chess Game is a work in which a participant approaches a chessboard mid-game. The board, having retained the position in which the previous participant left it, presents a cumulative record of moves made by previous participants (including, perhaps, oneself). Thus, the current participant is prompted, by the standard rules…

  • Untitled Chess Game Charles Broskoski’s Untitled Chess Game is a work in which a participant approaches a chessboard mid-game. The board, having retained the position in which the previous participant left it, presents a cumulative record of moves made by previous participants (including, perhaps, oneself). Thus, the current participant is prompted, by the standard rules…

  • Untitled Chess Game Charles Broskoski’s Untitled Chess Game is a work in which a participant approaches a chessboard mid-game. The board, having retained the position in which the previous participant left it, presents a cumulative record of moves made by previous participants (including, perhaps, oneself). Thus, the current participant is prompted, by the standard rules…

  • Untitled Chess Game Charles Broskoski’s Untitled Chess Game is a work in which a participant approaches a chessboard mid-game. The board, having retained the position in which the previous participant left it, presents a cumulative record of moves made by previous participants (including, perhaps, oneself). Thus, the current participant is prompted, by the standard rules…

  • TAU lets you change the course of a film with the click of a button On the set of Turbulence Will Rona and Sol kiss and seal their fate as a couple forever, or will Sol answer the ringing phone and change the course of history? A new movie format developed by Tel Aviv University…

  • TAU lets you change the course of a film with the click of a button On the set of Turbulence Will Rona and Sol kiss and seal their fate as a couple forever, or will Sol answer the ringing phone and change the course of history? A new movie format developed by Tel Aviv University…

  • How Star Trek artists imagined the iPad… 23 years ago