Month: December 2010

  • My point is that digital is not occluding and killing print, it is freeing up physical media to play a different role, to fulfill different needs and address different perceptual modes. Maps, Books, Spimes, Paper: Post-Digital Media Design at SXSW | Really wish I had downloaded the mp3 of the panel, because it seems…

  • I for one welcome our arsenic-based interplanetary overlords. William Gibson (via emmanuelnegro)

  • hydeordie: via… Related…

  • Talkin Trash in Texas: My Sims Agent, Kids Are Addicted!

    Talkin Trash in Texas: My Sims Agent, Kids Are Addicted! So, we finally broke down and got the kids their own pc. One pc, two kids. So far, it’s working. They seem to be after My Sims Agent, and UB Funkeys. The UB Funkeys are cute, but you have to collect over 100 of the…

  • Make 8-bit video game sounds with cfxr / sfxr (via Torley) (Source:

  • Brand Identity As Source Code – PSFK

    Brand Identity As Source Code – PSFK

  • Real-time holographic video displays could be near Holograms may seem like an original invention from some science fiction films. A famous scene often mentioned in this context is that from Star Wars where Princess Leia records an important holographic message, ending with the words “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi“. Such visions of holograms aren’t fiction. In…

  • Through the cunning use of motion detectors and ye olde MAX/MSP software, composer Alexander Schubert and violinist Barbara Lüneburg create quite the arresting spectacle. Greatly expanding the vocabulary of the lone fiddler to nearly god-like proportions, every gesture of the performer is amplified and extended both visually and sonically. It works. (via Dangerous Minds |…

  • The Kindle platform is a convergence of these two worlds. Because they are still books, eBook editions demand the experienced eye of a typesetter and book designer. Yet each Kindle edition, under the surface, is constructed using web-page HTML markeup and making a book with fine layout and typography requires web-language and web design expertise…