Month: October 2010

  • Technology will change faster than we can teach it. My son studied the popular programming language C++ in his home-school year; that knowledge could be economically useless soon. The accelerating pace of technology means his eventual adult career does not exist yet. Of course it won’t be taught in school. But technological smartness can be.…

  • Nixie tube take-apart – Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories

  • Finishing a Game

    makegames: As I work towards completing my own game, I’ve been thinking a lot about finishing projects in general. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of really talented developers out there that have trouble finishing games. Truthfully, I’ve left a long trail of unfinished games in my wake… I think everyone has. Not every…

  • Because Müller has always lived and worked in Sonneberg, a picturesque town in what was once East Germany, her therapeutic toys were little known in the West until a few years ago. This fall, the TriBeCa design gallery R 20th Century will mount the first North American retrospective of her work, “Renate Müller: Toys and…

  • Fabrickit: DIY wearable computing – Boing Boing

  • MSN Spaces Closing, Becomes

    MSN Spaces Closing, Becomes cameronmoll: Matt Mullenweg: As just announced on stage at TechCrunch Disrupt, Windows Live (formerly MSN) Spaces is shutting down and migrating their 30m+ users to Four years ago I was fairly worried as every internet giant (Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, Google) had a hosted blogging service. Now only Blogger remains,…

  • 4 PROFESSIONALISM IS NOT ENOUGH or THE GOOD IS THE ENEMY OF THE GREAT. Early in my career I wanted to be professional, that was my complete aspiration in my early life because professionals seemed to know everything – not to mention they got paid for it. Later I discovered after working for a while…