This group struggled with how humor and minimalization would dilute their message, and their writing and discussion of their project indicated to me that they had a more nuanced understanding of both colorblindness and intersectionality than Equality Street might otherwise suggest. This was a problem that came up in multiple groups: how do they balance fun and playability with communicating social and theoretical phenomena that are impossibly complex even to talk about. Their design decisions came not only from technological and time constraints (which were considerable given student experience with these programs and the demands of the quarter system), but also from a desire not to reduce identities and problems to caricature. For example, they declined to include a queer character in the game because of the difficulty in creating a visually queer avatar in pixelated style without resorting to high heels and feather boas. Another design compromise resulted in the apparently additive formula used to express intersectionality. (via Crossing Paths with Colorblindness: Equality Street | Amanda Phillips)