Tag: writing

  • I wonder if it’s possible to create an art, a business, that’s more welcoming to the talented people we lose during the grind. I wonder if we can be honest about how difficult it is while also being supportive to those who struggle, instead of telling them to suck it up. The profession we’ve chosen…

  • I wrote about Azealia Banks & Skrillex’s video games and net art for MTV O.

    I wrote about Azealia Banks & Skrillex’s video games and net art for MTV O.

  • WRITERS ON WRITING – Easy on the Adverbs, Exclamation Points and Especially Hooptedoodle

    WRITERS ON WRITING – Easy on the Adverbs, Exclamation Points and Especially Hooptedoodle New York Times asks Elmore Leonard to share his top ten rules for writing. He uses them to disappear, so that it is his characters who speak, and not Leonard hismeslf.

  • That is the young writer’s dilemma as I see it. Not just his, but all our problems is to save mankind from being de-souled as the stallion or boar or bull is gelded, to save the individual from anonymity before it is too late, and humanity has vanished from the animal called man. And who…