Tag: Julian Bleecker

  • Just a process note to remind myself about why I got a little prickly along the way. If I remember I lost focus — there’s an entry in the increasingly relevant book “101 Things I Learned in Architecture School” that I keep forgetting to look up properly — but the entry basically says the thing…

  • Near Future Laboratory » Blog Archive » Creative Corporate Cultures

    Near Future Laboratory » Blog Archive » Creative Corporate Cultures

  • Julian Bleecker “Design fiction” (Lift Asia09 EN) on Vimeo (via Vimeo) Design fiction: facts about science and designJulian Bleecker who works at Nokia Design is imagining the near future, creating “design fictions” and prototypes of networked artifacts such as objects that blog about their interactions with the environment. This presentation is about the relationship between…

  • Extending this idea that science fiction is implicated in the production of things like science fact, I wanted to think about how this happens, so that I could figure out the principles and pragmatics of doing design, making things that create different sorts of near future worlds. So, this is a bit of a think-piece,…