Tag: epic poetry

  • Bob Dylan on his songwriting process

    Bob Dylan on his songwriting process austinkleon: The master thief on his theft: “Well, you have to understand that I’m not a melodist,” he says. “My songs are either based on old Protestant hymns or Carter Family songs or variations of the blues form. “What happens is, I’ll take a song I know and simply…

  • Bob Dylan on his songwriting process

    Bob Dylan on his songwriting process austinkleon: The master thief on his theft: “Well, you have to understand that I’m not a melodist,” he says. “My songs are either based on old Protestant hymns or Carter Family songs or variations of the blues form. “What happens is, I’ll take a song I know and simply…

  • The number of hip-hop hits penned by someone other than the person rapping them doesn’t even need to be mentioned at this point. And we’re all well aware that rappers are not so much diarists as storytellers, bigger-than-life characters, and ciphers for their neighborhood or region, all at once. Fact, fiction, and fantasy are merged…

  • The number of hip-hop hits penned by someone other than the person rapping them doesn’t even need to be mentioned at this point. And we’re all well aware that rappers are not so much diarists as storytellers, bigger-than-life characters, and ciphers for their neighborhood or region, all at once. Fact, fiction, and fantasy are merged…

  • The way you demonstrate your trustworthiness to a major media company (credentials, qualifications, professionalism) is almost diametrically opposed to how you demonstrate credibility online (transparency, reputation, accessibility). Michael Barthel in Salon. Cut, paste, plagiarize  Everything on the Internet is stolen. So why does the Web delight so much in nailing a plagiarist in the MSM? (via…

  • The way you demonstrate your trustworthiness to a major media company (credentials, qualifications, professionalism) is almost diametrically opposed to how you demonstrate credibility online (transparency, reputation, accessibility). Michael Barthel in Salon. Cut, paste, plagiarize  Everything on the Internet is stolen. So why does the Web delight so much in nailing a plagiarist in the MSM? (via…