Tag: critique

  • Film – The ‘Scott Pilgrim’ Audience? Not This Gamer – NYTimes.com

    Film – The ‘Scott Pilgrim’ Audience? Not This Gamer – NYTimes.com

  • theyrule


  • sum1: Advertising creates images of false beauty. Via deltamualpha: Planetary Folklore: BILLBORED

  • network culture chart | varnelis.net

    network culture chart | varnelis.net Kazys Varnelis has been working to craft a chart, a visualization, of the dominant cultural logic of our contemporary period. In this he is following in the steps of (and expanding the work of) Jameson and of Lyotard. The chart is as “handy” as it is important. It helps us…

  • Criticism Be meaner. On the front page of my ideal design blog is a daily fugging of something from the world of visual culture. That’s essentially what Unhappy Hipsters is doing for Dwell, or more specifically, for Dwell’s preferred mode of architectural photography. But I can tell they are already tiring of their limited field…

  • In any case, Apple’s choice of who to give loaner iPads seems not to be influenced by what we’ve written in the past. It’s a pitch, to audiences it hasn’t yet won. It loaned early units to newspapers and mags not to entice their publishers into the App Store fold–they need no further convincing at…