

“This post was prompted by a comment left by blog reader J Lee:

Tendlar also has a unique way of showing the fight at the end of “Fowl Play”, where Popeye punches Bluto into the side of the house, but hit outline silhouette remains motionless while the rest of the body bounces back into place.

The action that J Lee described is actually an animation inside joke. Before computer technology, the animation drawings would be traced in ink onto clear celluloid sheets then flipped over and the characters painted in on the back before going to camera. So here’s where the in-joke comes into play – when Popeye hits Bluto he is literally punching the paint off him, leaving Bluto’s ink outline in place.

Another great use of the cartoon medium courtesy of the Fleischer Studio. -Bob Jaques “


click here to read the original blog post + video ! (gogogo)

I’ve been reading up on the Popeye animators blog – if you have some (hundreds of )moments read through it. The thought process that goes into this animation is something that I would never think up …which goes to show how little I know and how much there is to learn.

OMG….that is incredible!!!! It’s satire in the animation and its process…