

// Minimal drawing program with undo
// Press 'z' to undo

// Note: there is a bug affecting Chrome 32 and Processing.js 1.4.1
// In Chrome 32, open this post alone and scroll to the top. int levelsOfUndo = 10; int currImageId = 0; // circular array of images where to store undo levels PImage[] images = new PImage[levelsOfUndo]; void setup() { size(500, 500); background(255); // Initialize all undo levels for(int i=0; i<levelsOfUndo; i++) { images[i] = createImage(width, height, RGB); // undo levels are initialized as copies of the blank screen images[i] = get(); } } void draw() { if(mousePressed) { line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY); } } void mousePressed() { // increase the pointer of a circular array currImageId = (currImageId + 1) % levelsOfUndo; } void mouseReleased() { // save a copy of the display images[currImageId] = get(); } void keyPressed() { if(key=='z') { // decrease the pointer of a circular array currImageId = (currImageId - 1 + levelsOfUndo) % levelsOfUndo; // bring back an old image image(images[currImageId], 0, 0); } if(key=='s') { saveFrame("image####.png"); } }

Wow. Great! As per request on earlier this week…..drawing with undo. Hamoid makes it look easy. Wonderful work. What a wonderful person and a wonderful sharing community of coders.