Category: games

  • Now Available for Download: Processing – Raspberry Pi

    Now Available for Download: Processing – Raspberry Pi

    Processing, a programming language for teaching coding in the context of visual arts, is now available for Raspberry Pi. It’s free and open source. Source: Now Available for Download: Processing – Raspberry Pi This enables a project I had in mind.

  • progress report

    progress report

    this morning I test drove Defold, a 2D game engine currently in early beta testing. I didn’t make it through the 5-minute tutorial before it crashed and hung. the IDE (Editor) adopts some of the project management interface elements from Eclipse and from Unity. Defold seems to be integrating a version control system with remote…

  • progress report

    progress report

    I focused on Aracataca’s animation today.

  • progress report

    progress report

    I spend today trying to re-think how Aracataca should be structured. it shouldn’t be too difficult to create, but I’m still learning how to link things up in Unity3D. I realized that I’m probably trying to do too much with a single script. I decided to write/adapt the code chunk that changes colors with a…

  • progress report

    progress report

    I had another sleepless night with a strong headache when I got up. I spent most of the day sorting bookmarks and reading webpages. I did scribble some notes for the sofa for Casa Jasmina, which I’m going to call F/LOSSy. these were more speculations trying to suss a sofa’s point of view. no concrete…

  • progress report

    progress report

    my eyes get tired around 4:30 in the afternoon. I worked on the alogrithm that will change the transparency of a sprite over time in Aracataca. this is a kind of sketching in the code of c# while I have 50 tabs from the manual open in a browser. I also tried to tune part…

  • progress report

    progress report

    Karin’s birthday was yesterday. the day was going to be interrupted no matter what. and then we found out that her uncle died yesterday morning. her father had died on our older son’s birthday in 1998. this sucks in all kinds of ways. I did manage to view the video lessons for the P5.JS art…

  • progress report

    progress report

    I updated the language in IoOOOT on I posted a response to @bruces via, but I think that might be a flawed channel. I almost missed his post. I watched videos on how people are making human-scale articulated wings for cosplay. I may incorporate some of the geometry into Arcacataca’s animations. The animations…

  • Aracataca first post

    Aracataca first post

    This is the first post for the project Aracataca, and the first post for the games category. I’ve envisioned creating an artist’s game based on the short story by Gabriel García Marquéz called A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings (Un señor muy viejo con unas alas enormes). I have been working on the drawings…

  • first post in games category

    first post in games category

    this the marker for the first post in the games category. I will backfill this category with the earlier games which include: Chasing Diego (unpublished, 1994-1996, made in Cocoa) simElevator (unpublished, 1994-1998, made in Cocoa and Photoshop) Crosser™ La Migra™ Juan & the Beanstalk Seeds of Solitude Fifa! Fo! Fum! Excite Burro (unpublished) Juan Runner…