ARAC Day 05

log of activities

  1. extract RGB #hex values from the Faber-Castell web page for the PITT Artist Pen Brush so I might match my sketchbooks on screen. This took far longer than I intended. Now I have an html version and a txt file. The former has a preview. The source is Faber-Castell itself.
    1. A120 ultramarine #3b60be
    2. A170 may green #afb647
    3. A167 permanent green olive #4a6823
    4. A268 green gold #d09401
    5. A188 sanguine #cf6245
    6. A186 terracotta #ee8547
    7. A199 black #363636
    8. and many more
  2. add pixelated Andes tiles to Bitsy, Nemo’s Helper (time intensive)
  3. changed color palette for all the rooms
  4. thinking more about the fetch quests, did I list them in yesterday’s post? It appears that I made reference to a few having to do with flowers. Maybe I shouldn’t spoil the potential quest just yet. I have them on paper.
  5. I’ve been stuck in Zelda III so I watched a walkthrough: