Month: June 2016

  • How jumping between projects provokes creativity

    creativesomething: Alternating your time between two or more creative projects will definitely help your subconscious thinking on each of them! Your brain is a magical box where once you put things into it and shake it around a bit you’ll be surprised at what comes out. Even if you’re not actively thinking about what you’ve…

  • dduane: This is making the rounds on Facebook at the moment (in response to another meme)…

  • But then most historical facts are unpleasant. Brave New World (1932), Aldous Huxley (via blackscifimatters)

  • nevver: The High Line

  • When Racism and Scifi collide

    afroscifigirl: Confession: I have never read anything from HP Lovecraft. I probably should – after all, he contributed enormously to what is now my favourite genre, but I’ve never felt the pull to pick up one of his books. However, I’m not completely useless. I have done my research on him, and his stories.  His…

  • lacma: Agnes Martin at LACMA Now on view, Agnes Martin is the first retrospective of Martin’s work since 1994. A seminal artist of the twentieth century and a pioneer of abstraction, Agnes Martin’s visionary aesthetic and reclusive lifestyle have inspired artists and practitioners across all creative disciplines. See this exhibition through September 11, 2016 at…

  • By legitimizing the conduct that produces this double consciousness, this case tells everyone, white and black, guilty and innocent, that an officer can verify your legal status at any time. It says that your body is subject to an invasion while courts excuse the violation of your rights. It implies that you are not a…

  • currently reading

  • artbyraul: El Watchalo llorando. #99tears #crying #llorando

  • In my research on originals, I’ve learned of people who have used dogs’ chew-toys as erasers in a pinch or reimagined rollerblades as ways to tell time. These are minor, isolated examples, but they illustrate a greater force at play,” says Grant. “The world is full of ordinary objects and ideas that are made extraordinary…