Month: June 2014

  • How to Draw: For Makers

    How to Draw: For Makers This series of Instructables will introduce you to the basics of perspective drawing with making in mind.

  • menthuthuyoupi: W O W

  • dbreunig: Quick Sunday experiment: using an iBeacon to protect application data. If the beacon is more than 4 feet away the app locks up. Here’s the code if you’re curious. You can pick up a beacon at Red Bear. (Source:

  • Fucken heartbroken

    masterworksinteractive: Mexico 🙁

  • the-letter-em: #throwbacksaturday (which is totally a thing) to easily one of the best weekends of my life. can’t wait to do it all again so soon 💜

  • Vamos Costa Rica!

  • How to wrest control of our data from spies and their networks

    How to wrest control of our data from spies and their networks mostlysignssomeportents: John Naughton: Laws must be passed to make security agencies responsible for data read by algorithms Stop letting spies insist that algorithms can’t invade your privacy.

  • personalfactory: 3D Weaver – loom designed for weaving in three dimensions using the x y and z coordinates The 3D Weaver was designed for Sosanya’s The Structure of Protection graduate project. Similar as 3D printing’s layer process, Sosanya’s concept weaves together layers of material at different heights to create 3D shapes. Once the design is…

  • brucesterling: Tom Coates, “Interacting with a World of Connected Objects”