Month: July 2011

  • Almost two generations of human beings have been educated and socialized to think in terms of universal selfishness. “We need to get the incentives right” has been the watchword for anyone engaged in designing any kind of interaction, organization, or law. “What’s in it for him/her/us?” is the question we have trained ourselves to ask…

  • In order to foster cooperation, it is critical to set up systems that appeal to participants’ intrinsic motivations—that is, what they want to do from within—instead of systems based on monitoring people and rewarding or punishing them according to their behavior. Two facts make this tough to implement. First, intrinsic motivation is in its infancy…

  • beautyandthebook: Don’t look at the price… Just enjoy. recursive storytelling

  • heyoscarwilde: 8 Bit Anatomy illustration by Diego B. :: via

  • In science, Pasteur codified serendipity as a method. Fortune, he said, favors the prepared mind. Others have defined (good) luck as the coincidence of preparation and opportunity.

  • But really, should we even care if the books weren’t read? They’re talismanic, remember. They exist principally as super-filters, as evokers of an implicit world. It’s like ambient music: you may not even notice it’s playing, but it gives you thoughts you wouldn’t have if commercial pop were playing in the background. The books evoke…

  • dinosaurparty: (via Ixxi: turn your photos into art for your walls — Lost At E Minor: For creative people) My rad boyfriend used Post-Its to make super-fun pixel art for my living room, but if you’re looking for something slightly more upscale, it looks like Ixxi will do it for you!

  • gbattle:’s co-founder Billy Chasen has his business on lock, literally. You don’t use keys to enter’s HQ, you send a text message from a white-listed phone number and voila, it opens. This is a much smarter, safer and cheaper option than handing out a ton of keys. UPDATE: This won a Twilio prize…

  • (via swissmiss | Play with Trash)

  • At what point did we forget that the Space Shuttle was, essentially, a program that strapped human beings to an explosion and tried to stab through the sky with fire and math? (via 7 Awesome Images That Will Make You Mourn The Space Shuttle | )