Month: February 2011

  • papirlelle: PRINTABLE ROAD playground! Just need to print, glue and play!!!These modules can be printed as much as you need, for combining your own ‘’road’’. Enjoy Your play!Paperdoll.

  • August 1966: Apollo Guidance Computer Designed by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory and one of the first integrated circuit-based computers, the APC supplied onboard computation for the guidance, navigation, and control of the Command Module and Lunar Module spacecraft of the Apollo program for their moon mission – on, roughly speaking, the same amount of memory…

  • August 1966: Apollo Guidance Computer Designed by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory and one of the first integrated circuit-based computers, the APC supplied onboard computation for the guidance, navigation, and control of the Command Module and Lunar Module spacecraft of the Apollo program for their moon mission – on, roughly speaking, the same amount of memory…

  • Our museum, which was opened in Berlin in 1997, was the world’s first permanent exhibition devoted to digital interactive entertainment culture. Since then, we have documented the development of the medium at over 30 national and international events. Our new permanent exhibition “Computerspiele. Evolution eines Mediums” (“Computer Games. Evolution of a Medium”) opened on the…

  • illillill: Four Colour Map Example

  • Liquid copper. Image JB Labrune You employed a rather unusual material, some kind of liquid copper? Can you explain it its role in your prototype? Some of my colleagues and friends (Leah Buechley, Hannah Perner-Wilson, Nadya Peek) are the best in collecting nice stuff that conduct electricity like all kind of liquid suspensions, animal exoskeletons…

  • I’m sitting in the cafe of the Design Museum in London, writing explanatory text for my two accepted nominations for its Designs Of The Year exhibition. I had put forward three nominations. The third, unaccepted, design was a game. It’s the third year that I’ve been asked to nominate and the third year that the…

  • Much like how computers play chess, reducing the algorithm into “crunchable” elements can simulate the way humans do things in the result even though the computer’s method is entirely different. If the result—the chess move, the Jeopardy answer—is all that matters, it’s a success. If how the result is achieved matters more, I’m not so…